But what is the bitcoin and is its fate doomed?
The bitcoin is a digital currency which allows for the anonymous transfer of money across the internet. With conventional fiat money such as the British Sterling or the American Dollar, the Government is in control of printing and distributing money, bitcoin lacks a central government and relies on normal people or miners to create bitcoins by solving Maths problems and rewarding these with a certain number of the currency. It was created in 2009 by an unknown person known as Satoshi Nakamoto. There are no transaction fees and you do not have to give your own name, it acts almost like shares with a current price that can rise and fall.
This week a high-profile bitcoin developer Mike Hearn, a Zurich-based developer, has said that the currency has failed and that he will no longer be assisting in its development, He left his job at Google 2 years ago to focus on working on bitcoin software development, he until recently has been considered the next in the chain of influence after the mysterious founder. Over the weekend, the price fell quite sharply by $50 dollars, but the price of a bitcoin is notoriously volatile due to it not being tied down to any Government or territory. In the meantime bitcoin does still remain popular and is being heavily developed, many premature shops accepting it as a currency, but it seems some questions will be asked over how the currency will work in the future.
An interesting side effect of the bitcoin is that the technology known as blockchain could assist communication between banks and banks computer systems leading to an increase in the speed of transactions for conventional banks and remove costs from the system meaning cheaper more efficient services for the users.
Mike Hearn's Blog Explanation: an interesting read.
A nice explanation about how Bitcoins work
An article about the future uses